Winter Sports Preview

Photo by Carly Steenstra

Boys Hockey returns to the ice with a game against Plymouth North.

Carly Steenstra, Staff Writer

As a successful fall sports season at BHS draws to a close, athletes are anticipating the upcoming winter season. Last season was no doubt a different year for students who were previously used to not wearing masks, being able to have spectators at meets and games, and having their normal team festivities.

 In light of a brand new year, the Covid-19 protocols for the new season have been adjusted, and winter sports are gradually making their way back to normal. 

Half of the sports BHS has to offer in the winter practice and play at the school itself, but the other half has to go off campus to utilize town facilities. Winter track, wrestling, and basketball practice at the school while swimming is at the YMCA, ice hockey is at the HYCC, and gymnastics is located at Cape Cod Gymnastics. This comes with varying Covid-19 protocols in addition to other limitations, but the MIAA still requires mask wearing and social distancing.

 Although, this year’s regulations are a bit more relaxed compared to last year’s. Many coaches and athletes struggled with the tightened restrictions, but adapted as best they could. 

Swimming head coach Dan Wareham, who has been with the program for over 20 years, said, “The hardest part about last year was basically making the referees happy, keeping the Y happy, and keeping up with social distance and mask wearing. I spent more time enforcing that than anything else.” 

For swimming, masks are required everywhere but in the pool itself. Swimmers must wear them on the pool deck and while going up to the starting blocks. 

Now that restrictions have loosened up a bit more, sport fundraising has resumed and teams can now raise money for activities like banquets and benefits like merchandise. For example, girls ice hockey will be holding a team golf tournament as one of their first fundraisers. Sophomore varsity player Ryley King is excited for the upcoming season. 

“We get to do everything we didn’t get to do last year,” King said.

A new winter track athlete Lilli Luechauer said her team normally runs in the cafeteria for their practices, as it is the only large indoor space available at the school. So far, they have had to accommodate time conflicts with other after school activities also taking place in the main cafe. 

Transportation has also been a key factor in the past for athletes who cannot yet drive and need to get from the high school to their off-campus locations. Wareham said the bus company is allowing 12-15 kids to ride the bus and get dropped off at their designated practice facility. For the remainder of athletes, they will have to rely on carpools and rides from upperclassmen.

As of right now, state meets and tournaments are up in the air. The winter season wrap-up occurs in several months and there has yet to be any solidifying decisions made regarding whether or not they will be safe enough to take place.