The Real Deal

Jenna Leonovich, Staff Writer

Shopping can be done either in stores, or online, depending on your preference. It can be a pastime enjoyed by many. Recently, online shopping has risen in popularity. According to “Statista,” forty one percent of global internet users have purchased products online in 2013. Online shopping’s popularity is due it being easy; but in store shopping is still a common activity.

When you shop online, you have a wide selection of choices. According to sophomore Emily Rice, “online shopping is easier, because you don’t have to leave your house.” Sophomore Libby Hart took it one step further and said,  “online shopping is easier because you can stay in bed.” Yet Emily Johnson, sophomore, disagreed. She said, “ In-store shopping is easy because you   know exactly what you are buying.” Emma McAuliffe, sophomore, added, “I feel like there is a wider selection online, but it’s easier buying things in the store.”

Another factor that separates online shopping from in-store shopping is the ability to try things on. Spanish teacher Katie Carey prefers shopping in a store. Carey, said  “I like to touch everything while shopping.” Shannon Roycroft, sophomore, added, “In-store shopping is better because I can try things on.”

When shopping online, another problem can typically arise. Shipping. Shipping can make online shopping more expensive, and overall make you buy more. Hart stated, “If I’m two dollars away from free shipping, I’m going to buy something for two more dollars.”

Roycroft also said that “Online shopping is more expensive.” Even though shipping can make online shopping more expensive, Caroline Young, junior, doesn’t let it bother her. She said, “Shipping doesn’t impact my choice.” Others, like Carey, make shipping the deal breaker. She said “I will not buy something if I have to pay for shipping.” Hart added, “I buy more online because it can get rid of shipping.”