Beloved Giving Tree Bridge Snaps


Liam Russo and Jenny Griffin, Staff Writers

It was a balmy Friday afternoon in Sandwich when the Giving Tree Gallery Bridge suddenly collapsed as three BHS students gathered to take photos. But after just a few Snapchats, the girls were left with a gallery of bruises and a day for the Burn Books.

  “When I heard the bridge snap, at first I started laughing, realizing how fat we were, but nothing could’ve prepared me for that fall,” said Lucy Jacobson, senior at BHS.

   The Giving Tree Gallery and Bridge usually acts as a haven for single grandfathers wanting to get away from the rest home and enjoy the beauty of nature. “We were shocked. Those girls were the first people we’ve seen on the bridge in years,” remarked GTG owner, Peggy Loomis. “We’re such a unique location that we barely have any visitors.”

     The bridge itself is so remote that our investigative team seriously struggled to find the scene where the three girls were injured. “I had never seen this bridge before; but, once I found it, I had to take a profile pic with the weeds,” said reporter Thomas Rogers.image3

    “I put my iPhone’s life before my own,” said junior Gretchen Andrews. “The photos we took were too important to lose over a small injury,” she added from her hospital bed, recovering from a broken leg, arm, nose. Her Urban Outfitters’ Polaroid camera suffered the most damage; but, fortunately for Andrews, the photos were saved. She was able to post a candid shot of the girls laughing as the bridge collapsed on her Instagram with the clever caption “dysfunctional.” The post received 11 likes– “That’s what hurt the most,” said Andrews

The reason behind the bridge snap is currently under investigation, but the Gallery is now booming with teenagers all claiming to have found the bridge themselves by “adventuring.” A recent task force of concerned parents assembled to try to destroy the bridge for good by burning it, shredding it and even body slamming into it; however, it keeps reassembling throughout the night. A group of 12 girls have now formed a new bridge with their bodies to keep its memories alive.
