In eighth grade, Claire Hazard took ceramics thinking that she would just do it for an art credit, and no other reason. However, now, as a senior who continues to take ceramics, she says otherwise.
Hazard realized early on that she was really good at pottery-making and the class in general. One of Claire’s favorite pieces is a water fountain she had made, which was actually functional and had a pump inside. Not only did this challenge her to think outside of the box, but she said she had to think really hard about how the water fountain would work. She said she ended up really liking the final product.
Now in Ceramics 3 , Hazard said she prefers to make pottery out of slabs rather than using the wheel in her class. The wheel requires a person to sit on a stool, or a chair, spinning this large wheel around as the clay was on top of it. She didn’t like coil building at all. She prefers slab building because the process of using slabs to shape and form her own creations is more fun to her than coil building.
“She has good craftsmanship and she’s creative,” said ceramics teacher, Brian Taylor.

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