BHS Celebrates Women’s History Month

Photo by Kenzie Vetorino

A wall of the women in mathematics that is displayed in the 1600s.

Abbey Sylvester, Staff Writer

March is Women’s History Month. This month is dedicated to purposely and considerately focus on stories and perspectives of the hard working women that have shifted our society. “Historically, many voices haven’t been heard,” said history teacher, Hilary Mueller. 

It officially started as a federally recognized month in 1987 after Activist Gerda Lerner, Founder of Women’s History Month, fought fiercely for this recognition. A few other monumental activists that have expediently contributed to the fight for gender equality include “Yousafzai, Rachel Cargle, and Diedre Cooper Owens. Historically women like Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucrietta Mott, Ida B Wells, Alice Paul, and Harriet Jacobs. They all worked tirelessly in their own ways and in their own times to further the rights of women,” said history teacher, Kate Scholes. 

Despite many strides in equality, women are still currently in a fight for gender equality. The pink tax is a prime example of a current issue women are facing. It refers to gender-based price disparities found in numerous products such as personal care products, adult and children’s clothing, and health products. Additionally, there are wage gaps and health care injustices as well. 

It is important to note that certain women are impacted more than others. Last year Roe v. Wade (1973) was overturned and now women in many states across the country are being denied access to reproductive healthcare.” said Scholes. She added, “Women continue to fight for full agency over their own bodies and reproductive systems meaning a black woman is 3 times as likely as a white woman to die in or due to childbirth.” Society makes it harder for women to climb the corporate ladder and to simply just live compared to men. 

Mental health problems have also arisen in numbers for teenage girls. As of Feb.13, 2023 CDC reported one  in three (30%) teenage girls have seriously considered committing suicide. Guidance counselor Alexis Meagher said, “there has been more conversation about anxiety and mental health problems.”  

“Women’s stories, cultures and contributions are not all the same, but are all important parts of our nation’s history and our future,” said Scholes