Art & Fashion Show this Friday
April 28, 2022
Lights, camera, action! In the final days before showtime, staff and students scramble to put their best foot forward in producing BHS’s first student Art and fashion shows in over two years.
In years past, the spring art exhibition highlighted seniors only. This spring, students from all grades, 8-12, and all art departments will contribute at least one piece of artwork to the show.
“It was a group decision. It’s something we’ve wanted to do for a while, as an entire department.” said Matthew Kemp, art department head. “After our two year hiatus,” said Kemp on Wednesday, busy in a class full of eager students preparing to put projects out on display, “The goal was to get kids an opportunity to let their artwork be seen.”
“Today we will be getting our project ready,” said Kemp to his class. A student handed him one of her pieces; Kemp admired her work and expressed the value of exhibiting as an artist. “It allows you to get that feedback and give your artwork meaning.”
As more students are able to exhibit their artwork this year, the event sees a new location as well. This spring’s 2022 BHS Student Art Exhibition will take place in the BHS Innovation library from 5-6:30 pm Friday night.
Concurrent with Kemp’s classroom preparations, fashion design students flocked in and out of Aimee Butterfield’s fashion design classroom, just as excited as Fine Arts, are Ceramics, Graphic Design, and all other art students.
“The past week’s preparations have been crazy,” said Butterfield, reflecting on what it takes to get a fashion show up and running after a two-year delay.

Surveying her room chock-full of artists and their creations, students came to her with urgent questions. Racks of clothing ready for showtime lined the walls, velvet winked and sparkles glistened and sewing machines were heaved on tables.
“The show is in two days and I need a model for this dress,” said freshman Chiara Scibelli, a first-year student in Fashion Design, holding a piece of still bin-laden fabric turned inside out.
Scibelli was not alone. Other artists expressed the same concern, all with vibrant enthusiasm towards the prospect of the Fashion Show finally taking place.
“I’m just excited. It’s what I’ve been waiting for,” said sophomore and second-year fashion design student, Ryan Field.
Occurring on the same night as the student art exhibition this Friday, the fashion show will be at 7 p.m in the Performing Arts Center.