Elected Official Profile: State Rep. Steven Xiarhos of the Fifth Barnstable District
January 2, 2022

Service before self. People before politics. For State Rep. Steven Xiarhos, these are the two underlying principles he believes in when representing his constituents of the 5th Barnstable District.
“I believe it is always about service over self, people before politics. Not everyone sees it this way but that’s how I believe and that’s how I am,” he said.
Before being elected as a state representative, Xiarhos worked in the Yarmouth Police Department for 40 years. Earlier in his law enforcement career, he worked as a school resource officer at Dennis Yarmouth Regional High School. He rose through the ranks and eventually retired as Deputy Chief of Police in December of 2019.
The one common denominator between law enforcement and now being a state representative is as Xiarhos puts it, is “serving others”.
Xiarhos represents the fifth Barnstable District.
“I call my district the fighting fifth. We fight for our constituents which is half of Barnstable, all of Sandwich, half of Bourne and even part of Plymouth,” he said.
The typical day for Xiarhos would be taking care of constituent services.
“My job is to serve my district, that is 40,000 people, Democrats and Republicans and Independents. People reach out all the time, and it is our job to help our constituents. When it comes to something to do with the state, so if they’re not getting their unemployment that they should for example, anything to do with state government we are there to put the pieces together.”
An additional part of Xiarhos’ day involves legislation and the typical day-to-day government procedures.
“We create laws. There are 7,000 bills pending in the Statehouse where American freedom was born. We sit in the same rooms and we debate just like Sam Adams and other patriotic figures did from Massachusetts. You debate these bills that people file. They could be something as simple as we want the spotted salamander to be the state salamander, that’s actually a bill that kids filed and they want to see how the government works. Then there are the very serious ones about public safety or taking care of our environment, there are all kinds of bills and as your legislator we listen to all of these various bills” he said.
Xiarhos, a republican, serves on five committees with him being a ranking member in the veteran affairs and oversight committee. The power of voting on various bills is something Xiarhos is extremely humbled and privileged to do.
”It is pretty special to be part of making Massachusetts history when you take a bill, advocate for or against it, represent your people and it becomes law. That’s America, that’s democracy, and that’s a big part of what we do as your representative.”
Working with others, even if they are across the different political aisle, has been something that Xiarhos has championed, particularly working with his fellow State Rep. Kipp Diggs, a democrat, who represents the 2nd Barnstable District.
“Representative Diggs is a great guy. He is a graduate of Barnstable High School, which is pretty cool. That’s a homegrown young man that ran for office just like I did and he was elected and we work together in the Statehouse side by side. Two different parties but we are friends and we have more in common than not.”
Xiarhos encourages students and teachers to learn how the political system in Massachusetts works.
“A lot of people don’t know who their representative is or who their senator is or that’s a federal issue not a state issue or that’s a state issue not a local issue. It is good to know who your elected officials are. Learn the system and reach out, don’t be a part of the sidelines. Get involved, send emails, make phone calls, let your elected official know how you feel on whatever bill is out there or whatever needs you have”.
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