Standout Star: Q & A With Senior Field Hockey Commit Reaghan Hicks

Reaghan Hicks in action for the Red Hawks.
November 17, 2021
- What school have you committed to?
I’ve committed to Endicott college, in Beverly MA for field hockey.
- What has the journey been like to get here?
The journey has included lots of hard work and determination. I’ve had many obstacles in the way but I worked hard to overcome them, which I believe is very important.
- When did you start playing field hockey and what has it taught you over the years?
I started playing in fourth grade and it instantly brought me joy. It taught me to never give up on what you love because it will bring you happiness. I never gave up on field hockey and continued to play for seven more years, throughout middle and high school.
- Do you have any pre game rituals?
Before every game I blast Hannah Montana to get hyped.
- What is your favorite part about playing your sport?
My favorite part is the satisfaction after a game. Even if we lose the game, I still feel so proud that we worked as a team and tried our best. Teamwork is a major component of the game for me and what drives me to keep on playing.
- What do you hope to gain from continuing to play in college?
I hope to build more relationships with teammates and coaches in college and continue to play the sport I love for four more years. I want to sharpen my skills and continue to improve every time I play.
- What will you miss the most about playing here at Barnstable?
I will miss the feeling of wearing a high school jersey the most. I loved representing my school, Barnstable and showing that I belonged to this community. Everyone is so supportive and positive which will be missed very much as i move on to college.
- Is there something or someone that inspired your field hockey career?
I was inspired to play field hockey because I began ice hockey in second grade so I figured field hockey was the same thing but just on a field. I started field hockey in fourth grade and my love for the game grew more every year.
- What was the committing process like?
The committing process took a lot of thought but was very rewarding. I reached out to coaches and visited many schools to try to find a place that was right for me. I knew I wanted to go to Endicott right when I stepped foot on campus. Once I visited the campus, and met the coaches and players it made my decision to commit so much easier.
- What advice would you give to people who just started playing field hockey?
To people just starting field hockey I would tell them that the work you put in is what you will get out of it. The best players I know are those that work hard for their success. It is worth all the effort and dedication when you reach your goals.