Pros to Christmas Decorations
Photo by Abby Olsen
Holiday decorations at the Heritage Museums & Gardens “Gardens Aglow” light show.
December 24, 2020
It’s Christmas time again, and though it may look different this year; one thing is still the same, the decorations. Lights, inflatable Santas, and decorated trees can spark joy in anyone’s day. Though there certainly are some people who aren’t fans of Christmas decorations, I can’t get enough of them.
During the Christmas season, anytime I’m out at night, one of my favorite things to do is look to see how people have decorated their homes and yards for the festive season. Seeing the lights and decorations always sparks a feeling of childish happiness and joy in me, and I think we could all use some of that right now. Christmas has been and will always be one of the happiest times of the year to me, it never fails to provide so many with a feeling of hope and bliss.
The saying “feeling like a kid on Christmas” exists for a reason, almost every child you meet will tell you that their favorite holiday is Christmas. Seeing the decorations and going to the strolls, which were sadly cancelled this year, can make so many feel like a kid again.
Though it’s fun to observe the Christmas decorations that others put up, it’s also enjoyable to put some up yourself. You not only may be brightening your own day by adding a festive touch to your home, but you could also brighten someone else’s too.
Christmas never fails to make people happy and decorations only fuel that. For example, anytime you head down Route 6A, towards Sandwich, you can find two-dimensional sculptures made of lights, representing the business they are out in front of. Whenever I go along this stretch, it always brings me joy and fills me with the spirit of Christmas.
That is decorating on the exterior, but sometimes it’s the interior decorating that brings people more delight. When Christmas time comes around and the boxes upon boxes of decorations come out from hiding, I am overwhelmed with joy and am almost unable to contain my excitement. The lights, ornaments, and other decorations make me feel overjoyed and I am filled with the spirit of Christmas.
When my house is filled with holiday decor and my tree is decorated and lit, it fills me with optimism and delight. The twinkling lights and assortment of pillows and blankets puts me in the Christmas mindset and gives me an escape from the stress that this year has brought us all. On top of the decorations, the aroma of baking and scented candles furthers my feelings and makes me feel overjoyed.
Dimming the lights and having my tree shine in the corner just puts me at ease. Whenever I’m sitting in a room filled with holiday decor, I feel stress free and am filled with Christmas cheer. That warm feeling you get whenever you think of the holidays is what I cherish and always find in the decorating and preparation for Christmas.
Though we might not all agree on decorations for the holidays, I think we can find common ground on the fact that the holidays succeed in bringing us together and making us happy.