BHS Hallways During Covid

BHS adopts new hallway system due to pandemic.

Kenzie Vetorino, Staff Writer

In this new reality at Barnstable High School, staff has had to come up with different ways to keep students safe.  One way they have accomplished this is through hallways precautions and regulations. Although, some think of it as inconvenient to walk farther to get to class,  this new traffic pattern is to keep students healthy. The 10-minute passing times are so students do not have to stress about getting to class on time. 

Assistant Principal Mr. Scott Pyy said BHS has been using the same protocol as the larger stores such as Target and Stop&Shop, by adopting these one-way hallways, much like the stores’ one-way aisles. Based on information from the CDC, with all of the students walking the same way then all the air flow goes that way as well, and reduces the chances of students breathing or coughing directly on someone else.  “What we are doing works,” said Pyy. 

Most students have no complaints over the matter. Sophomore Molly Kenney said she thinks the school should do whatever it needs to do to keep COVID out of the building. “ If it prevents COVID then it’s okay,” said Kenney.

 However,  Kenney also said that some halls are annoying to have one way. As for the halls going back to normal, that depends on the virus.  The goal is to try to get as much in person learning as possible. “The goal has been to promote in-person learning,” said Pyy.  

There are students that do not like the hallways at all. Freshman Ella Kostovick said that it takes too long to get around the school.   “Even if you have two classes right next to each other, if the arrow is pointing the wrong way you would have to go all the way around the school,” said Kostovick. 

She does, however, like the extra passing time. Kostovick thinks that the passing time makes up for the inconvenience of the hallway. Although, like Kenney, Kostovick thinks that making the halls one-way was necessary. “There would’ve been too much hallway traffic and it wouldn’t have been safe,” said Kostovick, about the halls if they remained two-way.

The teachers in what used to be the busy hallways also have an opinion on the matter. Eighth grade science teacher Edward Guazzaloca said he thinks it is weird to see the students going one way “after so many years of massive congestion and back-ups that would take at least five to ten minutes to work your way through.” 

Guazz, as most know him, said he is seeing fewer students in his hallway. He does like the fact that it keeps the numbers down in the hallways. “In that sense, I would have to say it has been extremely effective.” said Guazz. 

He has found however that some students do not wear their masks correctly in the hallways. Guazz finds students pushing the limits and getting lazy with masks. He said he would like everyone to be aware that the masks are to keep everyone safe.