10 Questions with Angus Contrino
April 3, 2018
1.What is your favorite free-time indulgence?
Painting, but I never have the time to paint. So, maybe chilling with my brother, playin’ Minecraft.
2. How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Red, short and revolutionary.
3. What would you change about bhs?
Hats. Without a doubt, hats.
4. what would you change about the world?
Capital-based lifestyle.
5. what would you do if you were president for a day?
Collectivize all the industry in the nation.
6. who, living or dead, would you like to spend a day with?
I would love to meet Joseph Stalin and really pick apart his personality. There’s so much controversy over what his motives were, and I want to know the truth.
7. Name 3 people that you look up to.
Che Guevera, Matthew Contrino, and Roger Waters.
8. You have 3 foods to eat for the rest of your life. what are they?
BJ’s chicken piccatta. Centerville Pie Company’s chicken pie. Oprah likes it, I like it. It’s so good. And fish and chips from Doolin, Ireland. Best I’ve had in my life.
9. what are 3 of your favorite films?
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, Return of the Jedi, and Downfall.
10. What does your winter wardrobe look like?
Red wing boots, a pea coat, and my dark grey hoodie. Those are the staples.