BHS Graduation 2014: Seniors to Succeed
Photo by Orlando Henry
June 12, 2014
During his June 7 graduation speech, Barnstable High School Co-Valedictorian Colby Blaze, who shared the honor with Cameron Curtin, compared his graduating class to guinea pigs, since they were the first eighth grade class that was introduced into BHS. He also joked about how it took the class five years to graduate because of the move. Blaze spoke of how he found inspiration for his speech in Pixar movies “Cars”, “Monsters Inc.” and “Finding Nemo.” Humility, resiliency, and perseverance were the skills Blaze said graduates can take from the films and apply in life.
Referring to “Finding Nemo,” Blaze said “just keep swimming, so that we can reach our own P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney.”
Following Blaze, Curtin spoke of how failures and setbacks are a given in life and how we react to them is what will make graduates successful. He added that each person is capable of his or her dreams as long as they work hard and believe in their abilities.
Prior to the valedictory speeches, Student Council President Alicia Pierozzi praised parents and teachers for helping students to be a part of this year’s graduating class.
Awards were given to five teachers who were chosen by the graduates for giving them a push when they needed it. Class Vice President, Josephina Leveroni, recognized these five teachers: Seventh grade English teacher Michael Carlon, seventh grade math teacher Brian Cattabriga, BHS English teacher Martha Swindler, BHS science teacher Michael Gyra and retired elementary school teacher Barbara Dunn. Some of those involved with Celebration were also recognized for volunteering. These volunteers were also senior parents: Deb Nelson, Cheryl Corbett, Maxine Beynor, Carolyn Quilty, Grace Bruning, Shauna Childs, Amy Charron, Jessie McMahon and Caroline Remie.
Supt. Mary Czajkowski praised graduates for working to make it across the stage. While some choose not to finish high school, she was proud that so many did. In fact, she handed out nearly 350 diplomas to students on the beautiful and sunny Saturday.
Patrick Clark, BHS principal, expanded on Czajkowski’s and Blaze’s themes of perseverance by quoting Theodore Roosevelt, “They aren’t the timid souls that know neither victory or defeat.” And with this quote the ceremony began to draw to a close.
The graduates walked down the middle aisle in an orderly fashion. Afterwards they dispersed to friends and family, without uniformity, to embark on another chapter of their lives.