Promposal Winners
Maddy Childs and Josiah Estabrooks
April 14, 2014
Congrats to Maddy Childs and Josiah Estabrooks for winning our promposal contest! The both of them will go to Prom 2014 courtesty of Insight, with free tickets. Thank you to everyone who participated in our contest, we greatly appreciate it!
Maddy Childs and Josiah Estabrooks: “My boyfriend (Josiah Estabrooks) asked me to prom with a scavenger hunt. With the help of Ciara Bruning, Josiah planned and organized a small treasure hunt that I never even saw coming. I was under the impression that he was visiting family in Western Mass and that Ciara and I were going to get dinner. However, as I was sitting in the parking lot at Centerville Yoga and Wellness, she handed me an envelope labeled with a big number one. Immediately, I knew what was happening. Josiah’s scavenger hunt was filled with inside jokes and candy and I followed his cryptic instructions throughout Centerville. He even asked the cashier at the penny candy store to get involved. Finally, I arrived at Craigville beach and there he is, standing with a bouquet and flowers and a big old sign with “Prom?” written on it. I had always wanted to be asked this way and I was really touched that he put so much thought into it. Obviously I said yes.”